15 March 2009


After many months of research and contemplation, we finally found our latest (and last) family member. Justin has officially put "a moratorium on allowing any living things not created by us to move into this house". I suppose 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 bird and 9 fish is more than enough for a two bedroom condo!

We found Peanut via Petfinder.com. It's a wonderful website if you're looking for a particular breed or you want to narrow down the details. We were connected with a wonderful group from Schenectady, NY who had driven to Mississippi to save adoptable dogs that were going to be euthanized. We had been looking for a Shih Tzu (due to my adoration of one of my customers, Zoe) and were given Peanut.

Considering that I refer to most small dogs as "Peanut", the name had to go. She was Daisy, then Coco and now back to Daisy. Our vet and groomer both believe that she is a Shorkie (Shih Tzu/Yorkie mix), which when Googled, run for about $1300 for a female puppy. What a deal we got!

Daisy came to us sick, as most shelter dogs do, with worms, a dual ear infection and conjuntivitis. She also came to us with a lovely one month free pet insurance plan! Yippeeeee! She is cured of all ailments, but I have to say that medicating her was a "treat" (NOT!) We were bit numerous times and that makes for an unhappy puppy and very pissed off humans! One benefit of these illnesses is the education I received on what causes them, how to treat them, and how properly give your dog medication wihout losing valuable body parts. Daisy has settled in nicely!

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